Episode 7

Published on:

2nd Nov 2023

Embracing Passion in Content Creation: The Judi Fox Story

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In this YouTube Success podcast episode, we sit down with a LinkedIn expert, Judi Fox, to explore the journey of a corporate worker turned full-time content creator and personal branding powerhouse. While the episode may not seem directly related to YouTube success, it's packed with valuable insights and wisdom that can greatly benefit aspiring YouTubers and content creators. We discuss personal branding and the incredible speed at which Judi grew her LinkedIn presence back in 2018, providing inspiration for those looking to build a strong online identity.

For anyone seeking inspiration, motivation, and practical advice on transitioning from a corporate job to a full-time creator or growing their YouTube channel, this episode offers valuable insights from the world of personal branding and community building. It's a testament to the power of resilience, adaptability, and taking calculated risks. Join us in this enlightening conversation and takeaway insights to enhance your journey towards YouTube success.



Matthew Hughes - King Of Video: Hello everyone.


Welcome to YouTube Success.


We are here doing a YouTube podcast with a LinkedIn expert!


Who knew you could just change your mind and do something


ridiculous on your own podcast.


Here we are, and we were just talking about ridiculousness of podcasts.


So here I am.


Look, you know, the thing is, it's called YouTube success, and we're


talking about growing YouTube channels and all of that kind of stuff.


But what I wanted to do and what, the reason why I have this


podcast in the first place is 'cause I have a great network of


wonderful people around the world.


And of course, when I created my list of people, Judi was one of


those people that I was hoping would say yes to come on the podcast.


And here she is.


So yes, it's not specifically a YouTube thing, but there's so much value here.


We're gonna be talking about personal branding.


We are gonna be talking about the epic speed at which Judi has


grown on LinkedIn back in 2018.


But, you know, loads more stuff has happened since then, and


a few other things as well.


So, if you're in my world, and maybe you've not heard of somehow you've missed


Fox Rocks and you've not heard of Judi yet, then Judi, I'd love you to do your


own intro and tell us a little bit about you and what people need to know really.

Judi Fox:

Well, all they have to know is #FoxRocks and that I got started really

Judi Fox:

actively posting videos on LinkedIn in around 2017, 2018, and definitely hit

Judi Fox:

several million views very quickly.

Judi Fox:

It is an amazing platform.

Judi Fox:

I doubled down there.

Judi Fox:

We'll talk about how LinkedIn's the only platform I used for four years straight.

Judi Fox:

That's it.

Judi Fox:

The only social media platform, so that is the power of focus and really getting in

Judi Fox:

on a platform and doubling down and I have now been listed as a top voice on LinkedIn

Judi Fox:

by LinkedIn, and they've given me the top voice of social media strategy and sales.

Judi Fox:

I love sales, so I have been working with clients since 2018 with my LinkedIn

Judi Fox:

Business Accelerator and bing bing bing.

Judi Fox:

Boom, I'm done with my intro.

Judi Fox:

Let's hit the ground running.

Judi Fox:

Matthew Hughes - King Of Video: There you It's always, I dunno about you,

Judi Fox:

but it's always awkward when someone asks you to do your own intro.

Judi Fox:

'cause people do it and they tell you your intro and you're like,

Judi Fox:

oh my God, that sounds amazing.

Judi Fox:

Who wrote that?

Judi Fox:

It weren't me.

Judi Fox:

so I like to put people on the spot because actually, you know, it's

Judi Fox:

funny, you kind of forget what you've done until people ask you about it.

Judi Fox:

And then you start to think about, oh yeah, I did that thing, I did that

Judi Fox:

thing, and we'll talk about some of this as we go through these questions,

Judi Fox:

but the first thing I wanted to talk about most importantly, is how we met.

Judi Fox:

Well, how, look, let's be honest.

Judi Fox:

Let's tell the people really how I think we met because it's been quite

Judi Fox:

a while since that time, but it's really about community because in 20..

Judi Fox:

September 2018, I decided at that point that I wanted to start a YouTube channel.

Judi Fox:

I looked at something like September the 17th of 2018, and about a week later, I

Judi Fox:

booked a ticket to go to VidSummit in LA.

Judi Fox:

So it was kind of a big deal for me because I decided, and I was absolutely

Judi Fox:

pouring myself because I was gonna go to the other side of the world where

Judi Fox:

there's a whole bunch of YouTubers that as far I could tell they were the best

Judi Fox:

YouTubers in the world, but I thought if I'm gonna go and learn from anybody

Judi Fox:

I should go to something like that.

Judi Fox:


Judi Fox:

It seemed really reasonable price-wise.

Judi Fox:

So it goes there and I did what I normally do before events,

Judi Fox:

and this is a tip for anyone that's going to events.

Judi Fox:

Like go on Twitter, go on Instagram, go on LinkedIn, all of the socials, and

Judi Fox:

find the hashtags and find like the event hashtag or search for the event name.

Judi Fox:

And you'll find a bunch of people.

Judi Fox:

Say, if you've never, you've never been to an event before and you don't know anyone,

Judi Fox:

like I didn't know anyone there, just go.

Judi Fox:

And the best place for me, strangely enough was Twitter.

Judi Fox:

I found Rob and a bunch of other people.

Judi Fox:

I wanna add something.

Judi Fox:

I'm gonna add.

Judi Fox:

Matthew Hughes - King Of Video: Yeah, go for it.

Judi Fox:

Yeah, go for it.

Judi Fox:

I'd love to.

Judi Fox:

Go find all the speakers and your comments because the speakers

Judi Fox:

are kind of a bit of a hub of they want visibility on the event and

Judi Fox:

that they're speaking, so you know they're gonna be posting about it.

Judi Fox:

Find some content to grab onto without knowing who's gonna be there yet,

Judi Fox:

that's a good place to start too.

Judi Fox:

Matthew Hughes - King Of Video: Yeah.

Judi Fox:

I love that.

Judi Fox:

Actually, when I was looking back for the stories of how we met, I did

Judi Fox:

find some of the old 2018 stuff, and I found loads of things that I've not

Judi Fox:

seen, you know, when you're at the event and the feeds are going really

Judi Fox:

crazy, like loads pictures of stuff, of me in drinking positions in photos.

Judi Fox:

So like, you know, yeah, definitely the comments.

Judi Fox:

That's how I found people.

Judi Fox:

I would see announcements from VidSummit, they would say so and so speaking and

Judi Fox:

then a bunch of people that would come and saying, I'm going, can't wait to be there.

Judi Fox:

And I would connect with 'em and that kind of thing.

Judi Fox:

So, yeah, brilliant advice.

Judi Fox:

But for me, the thing is I was really nervous, right?

Judi Fox:

At 2018, I was 35.

Judi Fox:

I'd been public speaking around the world, so there was no problem

Judi Fox:

being on stage, anything like that.

Judi Fox:

But going to an event and not knowing anybody, especially the

Judi Fox:

other side of the world, was really, I was really nervous about it.

Judi Fox:

But what happened is when I met Rob and I met yourself and a few other people there

Judi Fox:

is I found that everybody was welcoming.

Judi Fox:

There's nothing better than going to an event where someone says

Judi Fox:

to you, Hey, come and join me for a coffee, or come to dinner.

Judi Fox:

And as I said to you before, I think that's where we ended up meeting is we

Judi Fox:

went for dinner and there was like 30 people and you've just gotta be really

Judi Fox:

brave about it and just say, you know, What are you doing after the event?

Judi Fox:

Is anybody going for a drink or anyone going for dinner?

Judi Fox:

And you'll find yourself invited to these great events.

Judi Fox:

And personally for me, one of the things I loved is just how

Judi Fox:

friendly people like you were.

Judi Fox:

You know, we can build up this picture that, oh, it's Judi, you

Judi Fox:

know, she says, had all these millions of views on LinkedIn and

Judi Fox:

feel a little bit standoff-ish.

Judi Fox:

So, I guess what I'd ask you is how do you feel when someone comes

Judi Fox:

up to you and they're in that, like, how do you help them out?

Judi Fox:

What would you do for them?

Judi Fox:

So we all have our, either if it's coping with feeling awkward

Judi Fox:

or maybe let's call it the art of just standing around, because standing

Judi Fox:

around and not necessarily rushing to do something, because guess what?

Judi Fox:

I don't know where I'm going to dinner sometimes at these events, I don't

Judi Fox:

know what the next kind of gathering thing will be, not necessarily,

Judi Fox:

and that's kind of that art of not rushing away from maybe a circle.

Judi Fox:

If you're standing in a circle and you feel really awkward, nobody's

Judi Fox:

paying that much attention to you.

Judi Fox:

It's called the spotlight effect.

Judi Fox:

While we think the spotlight's on us, but actually people are

Judi Fox:

engrossed in their conversation.

Judi Fox:

You may feel really awkward standing there.

Judi Fox:

But if you keep standing there and you keep kind of popping in or being, you

Judi Fox:

know, smiling and just nodding along with whatever conversation's happening and

Judi Fox:

you don't totally get weird, I guess, you'll end up being there long enough

Judi Fox:

for them to go, Hey, we're headed here.

Judi Fox:

Like, or you'll be naturally part of the conversation as it keeps rolling.

Judi Fox:

But yeah, it feels awkward sometimes standing there, especially when you

Judi Fox:

feel like you don't really know everyone in this circle or what's happening.

Judi Fox:


Judi Fox:

Matthew Hughes - King Of Video: And I love the art of standing

Judi Fox:

around 'cause I've definitely been that position plenty of times.

Judi Fox:

You don't look as awkward as you think you look.

Judi Fox:

I think.

Judi Fox:

Matthew Hughes - King Of Video: And I think other people are the same, right?

Judi Fox:

And there a lot of people are in the same position.

Judi Fox:

I met a lady called Christina at the time when I got there, I was standing in the

Judi Fox:

queue and she happened to have a, in the line, sorry, that's the American term.

Judi Fox:

I like queue.

Judi Fox:

All good.

Judi Fox:

Matthew Hughes - King Of Video: Good.

Judi Fox:

And she, we happened to have a channel.

Judi Fox:

Her, her name was Make Video Greece and mine was Make Video UK.

Judi Fox:

It was like really weird that we happened to be standing together and

Judi Fox:

she traveled all the way from Greece.

Judi Fox:

She knew nobody as well.

Judi Fox:

And we ended up hanging out, hanging out together for like the two,

Judi Fox:

three days, you know, and I would introduce her to people, she would

Judi Fox:

introduce me to people, those we met.

Judi Fox:

So just finding buddies, I think as you go into these events is so important.

Judi Fox:

And actually, finding these little dinners where you're not planning what

Judi Fox:

you're doing for dinner and you end up somewhere where some of the best

Judi Fox:

connections and community is created.

Judi Fox:

So definitely get involved in that stuff.

Judi Fox:

Oh, I really like holding things so I feel less awkward.

Judi Fox:

So I have a bag that's a fox, obviously 'cause "Hello, my last

Judi Fox:

name is Fox" if you can't tell.

Judi Fox:

And the bag that I hold now just has random fox stickers.

Judi Fox:

I now have what I call a networking prop.

Judi Fox:

Anyone can have a networking prop.

Judi Fox:

You don't have to have like a fun last name called Fox.

Judi Fox:

You could have don't even know, like a little Rubik's cube.

Judi Fox:

Like you could have anything and it's something you're holding

Judi Fox:

onto that's like a little conversation starter or something.

Judi Fox:

I'm just given some ideas here.

Judi Fox:

And then the last thing is have a buddy have a friend that even when you're in

Judi Fox:

these groups and you're doing the art of looking awkward, standing around, you

Judi Fox:

could, if you can't tip over to that yet, you could buddy up with somebody that

Judi Fox:

also is like, Hey, I'm also new here.

Judi Fox:

I don't really know anyone.

Judi Fox:

And you can look awkward together in a group, which actually makes

Judi Fox:

neither of you look that awkward.

Judi Fox:

Matthew Hughes - King Of Video: Yeah, totally.

Judi Fox:

I love that.

Judi Fox:

And having a prop is a good thing.

Judi Fox:

That now.

Judi Fox:

Matthew Hughes - King Of Video: What I'm about to say is maybe not true,

Judi Fox:

but I don't think anything's that awkward if you take something, I've

Judi Fox:

seen people with American footballs that they'll pass to help people chat

Judi Fox:

around, you know, sort of, standard sort of things or something they'll throw

Judi Fox:

at someone and see if they catch it.

Judi Fox:

You see those videos on YouTube and stuff all the time.

Judi Fox:


Judi Fox:


Judi Fox:

So that was just a thing I wanted to talk about community and going

Judi Fox:

to events because I think events are where the magic happens.

Judi Fox:

So we're gonna move to the actual talking to you about you now.

Judi Fox:

When I looked, it said, and then it's really funny because

Judi Fox:

I love this about you as well.

Judi Fox:

It said that you were a CV writer and career coach.

Judi Fox:

Is that right?

Judi Fox:


Judi Fox:

I did get started with that.

Judi Fox:


Judi Fox:

My first thoughts for LinkedIn all the way back in around 2008,

Judi Fox:

2009 was it's for your resume.

Judi Fox:

Matthew Hughes - King Of Video: Yeah.

Judi Fox:

Back then you could not become a content creator on LinkedIn.

Judi Fox:

I know that sounds like a funny thing to say, but you couldn't

Judi Fox:

post the way that you post now.

Judi Fox:

The only that could were like Richard Branson, or Sarah Blakely could

Judi Fox:

post or something, but like, they couldn't let the ordinary people post.

Judi Fox:

I'm being kind of tongue in cheek there.

Judi Fox:

Matthew Hughes - King Of Video: Yeah.

Judi Fox:


Judi Fox:

It only really tipped over when LinkedIn allowed everyone to start posting

Judi Fox:

and everyone could get a newsletter.

Judi Fox:

Not everyone could even have a newsletter all the way up

Judi Fox:

until two or three years ago.

Judi Fox:

They didn't even let people have a newsletter.

Judi Fox:

So the idea that LinkedIn was for content strategy and posting is

Judi Fox:

pretty brand new in the world of social media, which I think is why

Judi Fox:

LinkedIn gets a bad rep a little bit because it wasn't known for that.

Judi Fox:

And that's okay.

Judi Fox:

It's okay to change you are.

Judi Fox:

Matthew Hughes - King Of Video: Yeah, it took a while and that's

Judi Fox:

why there's still that a weird view that people can't be social on

Judi Fox:

LinkedIn, which just blows my mind.

Judi Fox:

What interested me the most is I think the people that are listening to

Judi Fox:

this podcast, my audience, the target audience, is really like people that

Judi Fox:

wanna start a YouTube channel or people that want to grow their YouTube channel.

Judi Fox:

And a lot of those people are people that have jobs at the moment and they

Judi Fox:

want to move into being a creator of full-time, creator of some sort.

Judi Fox:

And whether you were doing it full-time or not, at the time as your own business,

Judi Fox:

it still feels like something that could have been a side hustle that you moved and

Judi Fox:

you, you went full creator mode in 2018.

Judi Fox:

And you seem to have a time where you decided that was gonna be the case.

Judi Fox:

So can you just talk us through how did you decide that you were

Judi Fox:

really gonna go and you said right at the start about focus?

Judi Fox:

So how did you decide you were gonna focus on this and make it a big thing?

Judi Fox:

Well, I would say the best thing to think about for any creator

Judi Fox:

that you follow for inspiration or advice is I think the best ones

Judi Fox:

are the ones that maybe have a bit of a rollercoaster or not, just a,

Judi Fox:

just a straight path and that's it.

Judi Fox:

'cause that is not the reality for pretty much anyone.

Judi Fox:

So I did

Judi Fox:

have my first job out of college and I stayed with that job, climbing the

Judi Fox:

good old corporate ladder for 10 years.

Judi Fox:

Very happy.

Judi Fox:

I was not looking to become anything other than a chemical engineer

Judi Fox:

meets a sustainability expert.

Judi Fox:

'cause that's what I was doing in corporate America for Fortune 500 company.

Judi Fox:

And I got laid off during that, I got let go during that economic

Judi Fox:

crisis of 2008, the housing crisis.

Judi Fox:

So that was my first experience with going, oh wait, it

Judi Fox:

isn't just a straight line.

Judi Fox:

I have to take charge of my career.

Judi Fox:

And the very first thing I did was I was like, oh, I'll get my own website.

Judi Fox:

I'll launch my own business.

Judi Fox:

I will get my own business setup with all the business, like, you know,

Judi Fox:

whether that be, I don't know what to call it, like all the different

Judi Fox:

like, legal elements in place

Judi Fox:

and make sure that I own for the rest of my life.

Judi Fox:

Judy Fox and the brand Judy Fox 'cause that is something no one in my mind at

Judi Fox:

that moment could ever take away from me.

Judi Fox:

I think it's slightly traumatising when you lose your job for the very first time.

Judi Fox:

Matthew Hughes - King Of Video: Yeah.

Judi Fox:

Yeah, totally it.

Judi Fox:

But you know, the thing is that, that realisation is actually because you at

Judi Fox:

school and assuming the American education system is the same, you are almost bred

Judi Fox:

to be a worker bee of some description.

Judi Fox:

And so you think that a career means, yeah, you might jump a couple of

Judi Fox:

times, but you just never consider that actually someone could lay you off

Judi Fox:

and then you've gotta find a new job.

Judi Fox:

Or maybe even during a crisis like that, there's not as many jobs.

Judi Fox:

And then you've gotta be resourceful and do something yourself.

Judi Fox:

And so this idea of like 'security doesn't exist', maybe how school and university

Judi Fox:

sold it to us as the dream, you know?

Judi Fox:

So that sounds great.

Judi Fox:

So you decided to do that stuff then.

Judi Fox:

And then what

Judi Fox:

but I did go back to corporate.

Judi Fox:

Matthew Hughes - King Of Video: Okay.

Judi Fox:

So yes, I will say it took me all the way until 2018.

Judi Fox:

So it took me 10 more years.

Judi Fox:

So between that period of time, I went to corporate, back full-time

Judi Fox:

in my business, went back to corporate, full-time in my business.

Judi Fox:

I did that cycle twice because two things.

Judi Fox:

Number one, I had major life changes that affected my decisions

Judi Fox:

of what I wanted to do full time.

Judi Fox:

And I will say the whole time though, it made me realize you

Judi Fox:

should always hold onto whatever business you have because there is no

Judi Fox:

guarantee in the corporate world, but again, I came back to the mindset.

Judi Fox:

There will always be a guarantee that I have Judi Fox, I have me, myself, and I.

Judi Fox:

So as long as I'm kicking here on this planet, I have myself.

Judi Fox:

So I am beyond grateful for that because I could hold that.

Judi Fox:

When you think about the resume world in that concept, I was able to

Judi Fox:

continuously leverage the fact that I was running my own business no matter

Judi Fox:

what was a part of that business.

Judi Fox:

I was able to keep growing and keep my skills up in any kind of perceived gap.

Judi Fox:

And I never had a gap on my resume ever again because I just had my own business.

Judi Fox:

So I kind of wanna put that out there 'cause that was, looking back in

Judi Fox:

hindsight, that is the best decision I ever made because when I had a major

Judi Fox:

life event, I ended up as a single mom in 2014, I was able to immediately, because

Judi Fox:

I'd been networking on LinkedIn, growing my LinkedIn, I think at that point I

Judi Fox:

was maybe up to just 2014, maybe about two or 3000 followers and connections.

Judi Fox:

It wasn't crazy, but it was, that is a lot of people, when you really

Judi Fox:

think how that work.

Judi Fox:

Matthew Hughes - King Of Video: It's enough

Judi Fox:

could work,

Judi Fox:

Matthew Hughes - King Of Video: Yeah, it is.

Judi Fox:

It is like a side hustle or whatever you need at that point.

Judi Fox:

I was able to pull the trigger.

Judi Fox:

I made one.

Judi Fox:

I was able to make a post in 2014 because when I found myself,

Judi Fox:

I had been, what's that word?

Judi Fox:

I had been feeding and supporting my community and whether I knew I was

Judi Fox:

growing a community or not, I didn't know.

Judi Fox:

I just knew I was able to make a post on LinkedIn saying I needed an opportunity.

Judi Fox:

I had a life change and need to go back to corporate.

Judi Fox:

Because of that, I was no longer gonna be able to run this business.

Judi Fox:

I had started full time and I kept my business on the side

Judi Fox:

while I went back to corporate.

Judi Fox:

But I was able to find a corporate position at that time very quickly

Judi Fox:

because I made a post on LinkedIn and it just flooded my opportunities.

Judi Fox:

Matthew Hughes - King Of Video: So you could almost say that the

Judi Fox:

foundations and the stars were there ready to be taken because you

Judi Fox:

cause didn't ask from them until that moment.

Judi Fox:

I had just been giving, I had been in that world of . . Hey, I have a lot of

Judi Fox:

things going well for me right now and I was running my business full-time, so

Judi Fox:

I went full-time somewhere around again.

Judi Fox:

Again, it went like this.

Judi Fox:

So it around 2011, 2012, I was full-time in my business and I was

Judi Fox:

traveling the world and I was living that online creators dream of..

Judi Fox:

I went to New Zealand, I went to Kingdom of Tonga, I lived in Germany.

Judi Fox:

I was loving it.

Judi Fox:

I was location independent in 2012.

Judi Fox:

It was beautiful.

Judi Fox:

Matthew Hughes - King Of Video: Good.

Judi Fox:

So, you made the change then.

Judi Fox:

You did the corporate thing and I think a lot of people, myself included, can

Judi Fox:

appreciate what that's like and going through that kind of natural cycle as you

Judi Fox:

leave education, but then you decided to go full focus, full steam ahead in 2018.

Judi Fox:

So it was 2018 really that things really changed, right?

Judi Fox:

Yes, I was doing that kind of like one foot in, one foot out.

Judi Fox:

I actually part-time in corporate.

Judi Fox:

I negotiated a new contract and that lasted for a while.

Judi Fox:

But I also saw the writing on the wall that I was like, have to decide

Judi Fox:

and I'm gonna take a bet on me.

Judi Fox:

And I wanted to throw up.

Judi Fox:

It had that moment of, that uncertainty, kind of like jumping off the cliff,

Judi Fox:

like kind of like going to an event where you 'don't know anybody' feeling,

Judi Fox:

it's that, just that overwhelming sense of I have zero concept of what's

Judi Fox:

gonna really happen next, like zero.

Judi Fox:

And I think to me, that also was exciting.

Judi Fox:

That also made me feel really alive and excited.

Judi Fox:

So I was leaning into it.

Judi Fox:

I definitely read books like when to jump and you know, all these

Judi Fox:

kind of like, how do you know?

Judi Fox:

Matthew Hughes - King Of Video: Yeah.

Judi Fox:

But I think the number one thing that is key is that I had already started

Judi Fox:

learning how to kind of jump in 2008.

Judi Fox:

Matthew Hughes - King Of Video: Yeah.

Judi Fox:


Judi Fox:

You'd set some of the seed, you'd laid some of the seeds by the sounds of it,

Judi Fox:

you were building the personal brand.

Judi Fox:


Judi Fox:

And I suppose from my perspective in the UK, I did some of

Judi Fox:

the same in the IT world.

Judi Fox:

I used to fix computers as a side hustle.

Judi Fox:

The only issue I got to is one company I worked for said it

Judi Fox:

was a conflict of interest.

Judi Fox:

So I think the caveat to all of this is, if you are building a personal

Judi Fox:

brand at the same time as having a corporate role, just make sure

Judi Fox:

there's no conflict of interest,

Judi Fox:

'cause trust me, that was not a nice experience I went through.

Judi Fox:

But if you can do that, and if you can build your personal brand at the

Judi Fox:

same time, I think that's the seeds, that's the foundations that you laid.

Judi Fox:

And then maybe the jump is less of a jump then if, you know, you've been through

Judi Fox:

that in and out process, you know.

Judi Fox:

And I had already started making content.

Judi Fox:

And here's the real kicker that I would take away too, the key in that

Judi Fox:

experience of having one foot in the corporate world, one foot out and doing

Judi Fox:

part-time for a period of time and having the side hustle, it was taking

Judi Fox:

the pressure off the content strategy.

Judi Fox:

So a lot of people will start their content strategy and underneath, there

Judi Fox:

is a feeling of this has to work, this has to get views, this has to convert.

Judi Fox:

And I didn't have that.

Judi Fox:

I And that is the beauty of having income that was coming in at a very solid

Judi Fox:

level that I had negotiated, at least at the part-time level, that I could

Judi Fox:

create content from a space of freedom and that it was not easy to do both.

Judi Fox:

I will admit, it took a lot of effort to run two things concurrently.

Judi Fox:

But the ability to content create was literally one of the my best moments of

Judi Fox:

just having such good energy, not caring.

Judi Fox:

I went to VidSummit I think in that moment in 2018 was a little bit

Judi Fox:

of that moment where I was like, I don't need anything from Vid Summit.

Judi Fox:

I just need to have a great time, create good content, but I don't

Judi Fox:

need income to come from this.

Judi Fox:

It's being covered because I have this part-time and steady

Judi Fox:

income that I can count on.

Judi Fox:

It wasn't my full income, so I knew I needed to start building it up and

Judi Fox:

build up my business, but it took so much of the pressure off, which

Judi Fox:

did allow me to convert business.

Judi Fox:

And it's like that thing that everyone, the more you want it, you think,

Judi Fox:

why am I not converting business?

Judi Fox:

And sometimes you have to like stop acting like you need it to happen 'cause we can

Judi Fox:

read the, we can see the desperation,

Judi Fox:

Matthew Hughes - King Of Video: Yeah.

Judi Fox:


Judi Fox:

I totally understand that.

Judi Fox:

And I've been in that position and, and I've spoke to one of the previous

Judi Fox:

episodes is Jesse, the first interview actually that's been published, and

Judi Fox:

Jesse, I remember his journey was like when they got to 10,000 subscribers or

Judi Fox:

something like that, I remember there was a point where he put a post in the

Judi Fox:

group we were both in and he said, I think YouTube's just about to pay me the

Judi Fox:

same amount of money as my corporate job.

Judi Fox:

You know, I can leave now, what should I do?

Judi Fox:

And everyone was like, jump, gotta get outta there.

Judi Fox:

You know?

Judi Fox:

But that is, the lesson

Judi Fox:

there really is just the fact that by maintaining what they already

Judi Fox:

had, or in your case, cutting your hours back just to give you a bit

Judi Fox:

more freedom and space to create.

Judi Fox:

But without that, desperation is huge and it kind of goes against a

Judi Fox:

little bit about what a lot of mentors and business people say and they're

Judi Fox:

like, oh, you need to focus and you need to go all in on this thing.

Judi Fox:

And it's like, yeah, you can say that, but you don't have my bills

Judi Fox:

and my family to look after.

Judi Fox:

You can't just say, and I really hate that people just say that and they say

Judi Fox:

it out loud and think it's okay, but you don't understand the people's position.

Judi Fox:

So it needs to be like really caveated with, if you are in a

Judi Fox:

position to fully focus on the thing.

Judi Fox:

But until you are at that point, do what Judy did or do what

Judi Fox:

Jesse did and just do both.

Judi Fox:

And that might mean that sometimes, like now for me, it's a podcast


00 PM, it might be you're creating on a Saturday morning when


you've got a bit more free time.


Do what you can until you get to that point where this is, it's something


that's clearly bringing in the money


'cause you'll be thankful for it when you're not desperate


for the cash for sure.

Judi Fox:

Yeah, I nostalgically look back on some of that content and the freedom

Judi Fox:

and the not having to even worry where the hell that content was gonna go.

Judi Fox:

Like I think that is kind of why I look at different channels and it

Judi Fox:

almost makes people's head scratch because they go, 'but I see success'.

Judi Fox:

But the success you see potentially now there, you have to scroll back

Judi Fox:

to see where were they having an amazing time and they possibly weren't doing

Judi Fox:

all the 'this needs to, this needs an opt-in, this needs a downloadable,

Judi Fox:

you need to be collecting emails'.

Judi Fox:

Oh my gosh.

Judi Fox:

The focus on acting like early days of whatever it is you're creating, you

Judi Fox:

need to constantly collect everyone's emails and you need to have that funnel

Judi Fox:

set up and it needs to be perfect.

Judi Fox:

That is crap sometimes.

Judi Fox:

That can

Judi Fox:

hurt you.

Judi Fox:

That can hurt your growth and slow down your trajectory because you're

Judi Fox:

not focusing on the actual thing is people want to get to know you.

Judi Fox:

People want the thing you're trying to show them or entertain them

Judi Fox:

with and now you're just trying to put all these elements into place

Judi Fox:

and it's looking really janky, I don't know how else to say it.

Judi Fox:

Matthew Hughes - King Of Video: Yeah, and I feel it more now coming

Judi Fox:

from a place of not desperation.

Judi Fox:

I feel it more when I meet someone that is desperate and they

Judi Fox:

immediately want to talk about work.

Judi Fox:

And for me, when I make choices, my choices are emotional and they're

Judi Fox:

about people I connect with.

Judi Fox:

If there's 10 people that do the same service of you as you, which

Judi Fox:

woman am I go, gonna go for the one that puts a billboard out

Judi Fox:

there and says, this is what I do.

Judi Fox:

Or the person that I've had dinner with, or that we've had a chat about

Judi Fox:

our dog or pets or whatever, you know.

Judi Fox:

They're the human connections that really make you go, well, you know what?

Judi Fox:

I know that guy bit more expensive than the one over here.

Judi Fox:

But actually we went for dinner.

Judi Fox:


Judi Fox:

Like what they said or the pace, how, the way they introduced me to people,

Judi Fox:

how they made me feel, you know.

Judi Fox:

That makes a difference.

Judi Fox:

So, yeah.

Judi Fox:

I totally understand that.

Judi Fox:


Judi Fox:

So let's talk about moving away from that,

Judi Fox:

'cause I do agree on those fronts, but I want to talk a little bit

Judi Fox:

more about being strategic then.

Judi Fox:

That we can disagree on.

Judi Fox:

Matthew Hughes - King Of Video: I'm sure we'll find something in there.

Judi Fox:


Judi Fox:

So I think you did that and it was fun and you was enjoying it.

Judi Fox:

Is it still fun?

Judi Fox:

Just as a side note, is it still fun?

Judi Fox:

You still enjoying it as much?

Judi Fox:

Yes, some.

Judi Fox:

Again, everything has a different part that you

Judi Fox:

enjoy though too.

Judi Fox:

Matthew Hughes - King Of Video: Good.

Judi Fox:

For professional contractual reasons.

Judi Fox:

Yes, it is.

Judi Fox:


Judi Fox:

Still love it.

Judi Fox:

I would say it evolves to different things and it evolves all

Judi Fox:

your life impacts that happen to you.

Judi Fox:

Like I just had a house fire, which is super random to share.

Judi Fox:

It changes what you put out into the world or how you show up, but to me,

Judi Fox:

it becomes where did you put your boundaries and how did you set things up?

Judi Fox:

And I think for me, that's important to keep asking yourself every single year

Judi Fox:

that you do this so you don't burn out.

Judi Fox:

You don't feel like you've extended your boundaries to a place where it isn't

Judi Fox:

fun anymore, and you're being forced.

Judi Fox:

That's going back to being an employee of your own making.

Judi Fox:

Matthew Hughes - King Of Video: Yeah.

Judi Fox:

Yeah, totally.

Judi Fox:


Judi Fox:

I don't wanna be an employee of my business.

Judi Fox:

I wanna own it.

Judi Fox:

I want to own my life experience.

Judi Fox:

So yeah, I have to constantly ask and answer myself.

Judi Fox:

What do I what?

Judi Fox:

What is the result?

Judi Fox:

What's happening next?

Judi Fox:

So, I'll just share, I don't believe being a consistent content creator.

Judi Fox:

Matthew Hughes - King Of Video: Okay.

Judi Fox:


Judi Fox:

Matthew Hughes - King Of Video: Good.

Judi Fox:

Well, so this is really funny 'cause on the way here, I was on the train back, Mr.

Judi Fox:

Beast said something recently, or so unto the TubeBuddy's channel.

Judi Fox:

It was a quote and he was saying about, don't worry about being

Judi Fox:

consistent, just create great content.

Judi Fox:

What in whatever schedule.

Judi Fox:

And I was like, great.

Judi Fox:

I can talk about that because it's something I disagree with.

Judi Fox:

But with context.

Judi Fox:

So tell me.

Judi Fox:


Judi Fox:

I'll give you my context.

Judi Fox:

Matthew Hughes - King Of Video: Yeah go for it.

Judi Fox:


Judi Fox:

Because consistency is definitely..

Judi Fox:

We'll do rock, paper, scissors who goes first.

Judi Fox:

I'm kidding.

Judi Fox:

Matthew Hughes - King Of Video: You go for it.

Judi Fox:

You go for it.

Judi Fox:

I would say there, it's not a matter of if something's gonna happen

Judi Fox:

in your life, it's a matter of when.

Judi Fox:

Matthew Hughes - King Of Video: Yeah.

Judi Fox:

So if you've trained your brain think that success is linked to

Judi Fox:

consistent content creation, and then you have to create this consistent stream of

Judi Fox:

content, whatever it is you've decided.

Judi Fox:

A YouTube video channel, there you go.

Judi Fox:

And it has to always consistently come out at Tuesday, 8:00 AM.

Judi Fox:

That is setting yourself up potentially for future failure, that

Judi Fox:

you've linked that so closely that it will not give you freedom for

Judi Fox:

any life changes that will happen.

Judi Fox:

And it is not a matter of if they're gonna happen, a matter of when they're happen.

Judi Fox:

I've been through enough things.

Judi Fox:

Matthew Hughes - King Of Video: Yeah.

Judi Fox:

I had no idea lightning was gonna strike house.

Judi Fox:

Matthew Hughes - King Of Video: Wow.

Judi Fox:

I'm really glad that I don't believe in, I didn't set my

Judi Fox:

mind up to link my success in my business to constant content creation.

Judi Fox:

And here's what I believe is the thing you should be constant about,

Judi Fox:

is be constantly networking with the people you have relationships with.

Judi Fox:

So, I may not be consistent in other things and I may not, I

Judi Fox:

haven't posted a podcast and there's a lot of reasons for that.

Judi Fox:

But it comes down to I can consistently network with someone amazing like

Judi Fox:

you and be on your podcast and that can replace what may have been

Judi Fox:

something that I can't do right now.

Judi Fox:

And be instead, here's instead, be craveable Netflix show.

Judi Fox:

A craveable Netflix show is something that I don't care if it needs to take

Judi Fox:

a break and a breather, it'll come back and I'm there for season 5, season 10.

Judi Fox:

I never want it to go off the air, and I'd rather be a craveable Netflix

Judi Fox:

show that never goes off the air.

Judi Fox:

Matthew Hughes - King Of Video: Yeah.

Judi Fox:

So in that context, totally understand and totally agree with you.

Judi Fox:

Who knew after just saying something we'd disagree with, we'd find immediately.

Judi Fox:

That's called manifestation, I think.

Judi Fox:

So I totally agree with that.

Judi Fox:

From my perspective, when I heard what Mr.

Judi Fox:

Beast was saying, it was like, well, actually, now, you talked about it now

Judi Fox:

being like year five of where he's at.

Judi Fox:

When you look at it that way and having a team of producers who come up with

Judi Fox:

like content ideas and then they decide and they've got a month, you know, month

Judi Fox:

long schedules of when things gonna go.

Judi Fox:

Plus having the demand of being the craveable Netflix person.

Judi Fox:

You do have demand.

Judi Fox:

Matthew Hughes - King Of Video: That you have more freedom to not be consistent

Judi Fox:

because actually what they're waiting for is the next big video of yours.

Judi Fox:

You know, the squid thing is, is Mr.

Judi Fox:

Beast's big thing at the time, right?

Judi Fox:

And he is always looking to improve that.

Judi Fox:

So, but for my people that are just getting started, what we

Judi Fox:

do is we build a bank of content before we start publishing.

Judi Fox:

So I say to them, build like four to eight or maybe even 12 videos ahead of time.

Judi Fox:

So when life does get in the way, then you've got something to put in there and

Judi Fox:

you continue your consistent schedule.

Judi Fox:

So it's more about batch filming and, and that kind of thing.

Judi Fox:

Same as what I'm doing with the podcast.

Judi Fox:

We, we are creating like eight, maybe 12 episodes before we launch the thing.

Judi Fox:

So it's just context and it's about like your part of the journey.

Judi Fox:

Like if you are in year five and you have that freedom, you have the

Judi Fox:

financial income and all that kind of stuff that's going on, fine.

Judi Fox:

You can be less consistent because you have got that demand, you know,

Judi Fox:

the Fox Rocks hashtag that you've got.

Judi Fox:

If you go and I mean, you're there endlessly on that hashtag because

Judi Fox:

I feel like we're

Judi Fox:

Matthew Hughes - King Of Video: We are saying the same thing.

Judi Fox:

We are, yeah.

Judi Fox:

I agree that you just shouldn't marry those two.

Judi Fox:

Matthew Hughes - King Of Video: Yes.

Judi Fox:

Yeah, totally.

Judi Fox:


Judi Fox:

I don't want you, I don't, this mantra that is so loud out there that

Judi Fox:

the only success because you're con..

Judi Fox:

They link the word success with I was a consistent content

Judi Fox:

creator and I'm like, oh God.

Judi Fox:

Stop marrying those two.

Judi Fox:

Matthew Hughes - King Of Video: And actually when people get..

Judi Fox:

for future failure.

Judi Fox:

Matthew Hughes - King Of Video: Yeah.

Judi Fox:

And when people get disappointed by the views or whatever they get in,

Judi Fox:

they're like, well, I've consistent, so why, why is that not happening?

Judi Fox:

And it's like, well, but you forgot about all the other elements that come in.

Judi Fox:

It's not, there's a compounding effect that happens with consistency.

Judi Fox:

There's promotion, there's algorithms, there's SEO, there's

Judi Fox:

all the other things that happen.

Judi Fox:

And consistency, like you say, consistency and success.

Judi Fox:

Those two things are not the only things.

Judi Fox:

So you've gotta, you've gotta think about the bigger picture.

Judi Fox:

So I think we are agreeing.

Judi Fox:

And I agree.

Judi Fox:

If you're early in your career, I think here's what gets me.

Judi Fox:

Some of these big creators are on these amazing panels and they're sharing

Judi Fox:

some great advice from stage, but consistent sounds so loud from the stage.

Judi Fox:

Matthew Hughes - King Of Video: Yeah.

Judi Fox:

and it's so loud.

Judi Fox:

It fills the auditorium of the echo of what works.

Judi Fox:

I'm like, I wanna like say there's other things to be consistent at, like,

Judi Fox:

maybe you're a consistent call mentor and a consistent community member, a

Judi Fox:

consistent collaborator, a consistent behind the scenes DM supporter.

Judi Fox:

I don't know what you're consistent at, but there's other things.

Judi Fox:

Matthew Hughes - King Of Video: Well, tell me this then.

Judi Fox:

So in 2018, we were talking at some metrics.

Judi Fox:

You've got these on your website, so we'll just take, take 'em straight off there.

Judi Fox:

5 million views in two years, million views in six weeks.

Judi Fox:

2000 to 35,000 followers from your LinkedIn Pro.

Judi Fox:

This is all 2018, right?

Judi Fox:

So, what my question to you is, were you consistent during that

Judi Fox:

time and what did you strategically do at that time on LinkedIn?

Judi Fox:

Do you think that made the difference?

Judi Fox:

And maybe this links well to your accelerator as well, but is

Judi Fox:

there anything you can share with us that you think immediately

Judi Fox:

I was,

Judi Fox:

Matthew Hughes - King Of Video: you?

Judi Fox:

I was not.

Judi Fox:

I never focused on a strategy of consistently posting.

Judi Fox:

Matthew Hughes - King Of Video: Okay.

Judi Fox:

I was just having the time of my life, so I just never had to sit down

Judi Fox:

and make myself think that way, which is a privilege, I guess, and it's a space

Judi Fox:

that I could be in, 'cause I was working that part-time situation and I was just

Judi Fox:

having a really freaking good time.

Judi Fox:

So I just wanted to post.

Judi Fox:

I was so excited.

Judi Fox:

I couldn't wait to get back to the computer to like put it all

Judi Fox:

together, put the video together, like it was just such a fun outlet.

Judi Fox:

I will say the number one thing that I was mentally saying I wanted to

Judi Fox:

be consistent at was commenting.

Judi Fox:

Really, really growing the energy of how I showed up and

Judi Fox:

just publicly went out there.

Judi Fox:

Matthew Hughes - King Of Video: So we're talking about engagement really, right?

Judi Fox:

Yeah, engaging on LinkedIn is a lot different than..

Judi Fox:

So imagine, to be honest, LinkedIn and TikTok remind me of each other when it

Judi Fox:

comes to commenting, and I'll explain.

Judi Fox:

I will watch a TikTok video I'll go to the comments, and then the

Judi Fox:

comments even crack me up even more.

Judi Fox:

And we can also see how much the comments are getting upvoted.

Judi Fox:

There's like comments.

Judi Fox:

I've had comments get almost a hundred thousand likes on a comment on TikTok.

Judi Fox:

Matthew Hughes - King Of Video: Yeah.

Judi Fox:

'cause it's hilarious.

Judi Fox:

The comments can be thoughtful.

Judi Fox:

They continue the conversation, they are context for that video.

Judi Fox:

Sometimes like, love the comments.

Judi Fox:

I even have channels I follow on TikTok that are literally

Judi Fox:

like, let's go to the comments.

Judi Fox:

Matthew Hughes - King Of Video: yeah, yeah.

Judi Fox:


Judi Fox:

It's a strategy it it's a well-known strategy as well, right?

Judi Fox:

It's leveraging other people's audience.

Judi Fox:

You want to find your audience, you know who your audience are.

Judi Fox:

Go and find the big creators, go to the comments.

Judi Fox:

All those people commenting are commenting because they like the creators.

Judi Fox:

So if that's your audience as well, they're gonna probably

Judi Fox:

like your content as well.

Judi Fox:

So it's a great strategy.

Judi Fox:

I learned that strategy for LinkedIn, not on my content,

Judi Fox:

on other people's content.

Judi Fox:

If I was an early content writer, if I wrote a "Let's put Gary

Judi Fox:

Vaynerchuk in the hot seat".

Judi Fox:

If I wrote a comment within the first 10 minutes of Gary putting up a post

Judi Fox:

on LinkedIn, his audience saw my post and he has 4 million or some, I don't

Judi Fox:

even know back then how many he has now.

Judi Fox:

It doesn't matter.

Judi Fox:

But I got the attention of the audience following Gary because my comment

Judi Fox:

became top comment, that makes sense.

Judi Fox:

There's no official top comment, but when I'm getting hundreds of likes on

Judi Fox:

a comment on LinkedIn, that grew me on LinkedIn, that allowed me to not

Judi Fox:

just have to create content, but also just pop and take advantage of being

Judi Fox:

right there, right in the moment.

Judi Fox:

And I literally would hover on some big accounts just for the moment when

Judi Fox:

I thought they post and I would track.

Judi Fox:

When I thought Gary's team was gonna post and march down the time of day and put

Judi Fox:

it in my calendar, that is a strategy.

Judi Fox:

And did it work?

Judi Fox:


Judi Fox:

I got attention, I got invited into VaynerMedia.

Judi Fox:

I got to have Claude Silver on my podcast because the team recognised me.

Judi Fox:

It's a valuable comment.

Judi Fox:

You can't comment some crap.

Judi Fox:

Like, you can't be like, good post Gary.

Judi Fox:

Matthew Hughes - King Of Video: Well, thing is, Gary talks

Judi Fox:

about it himself, right?

Judi Fox:

He says, you know, I respond to all my comments.

Judi Fox:

I dunno if that is still the case now, but when I think about like, these

Judi Fox:

people are telling you the answers, you know, people really think, oh, well,

Judi Fox:

you know, maybe that won't work for me.

Judi Fox:


Judi Fox:

It's like.

Judi Fox:

Look, just, do what you're being told.

Judi Fox:

So far you've told us you're having fun on LinkedIn, which everybody says

Judi Fox:

you can't have fun on LinkedIn 'cause

Judi Fox:

it's a boring platform, right?

Judi Fox:

It's just for, you know, corporate people.

Judi Fox:

No, it's just totally rubbish.

Judi Fox:

If you change who you're following, find the right people to follow

Judi Fox:

that are just like you, people that you love being around you.

Judi Fox:

Find that it's a really fun platform.

Judi Fox:

Hang out.

Judi Fox:

Matthew Hughes - King Of Video: Exactly.

Judi Fox:

And then, commenting on those people and that engagement.

Judi Fox:

But, you know, the problem with commenting, Judi, of course,

Judi Fox:

is that it takes effort.

Judi Fox:

And is effort what people want to put in, when they want to

Judi Fox:

post a video and it go viral.

Judi Fox:

And it's just not the only answer.

Judi Fox:

There's gotta be more to it.

Judi Fox:

I would say the skill that I built up a really good

Judi Fox:

quality comment and it's a skill.

Judi Fox:

I wasn't born with it.

Judi Fox:

I mean, hello.

Judi Fox:

I wasn't born like knowing how to comment on social media.

Judi Fox:

But yeah, it's such an amazing hack and when I say hack, it's like

Judi Fox:

I noticed when Threads launched.

Judi Fox:

I said, why don't I try out my early commenting on large

Judi Fox:

creator concept on Threads?

Judi Fox:

And it worked because there's an art to it, and really powerful to just start it

Judi Fox:

so you can actually start to get better.

Judi Fox:

It's like anything, you don't come out of the gate writing the most

Judi Fox:

amazing comment that gets you a thousand likes comments and whatever,

Judi Fox:

but I've done that on TikTok.

Judi Fox:

I've done it on every channel because it works.

Judi Fox:

Matthew Hughes - King Of Video: I can hear when you said that,

Judi Fox:

like you don't come out the gate.

Judi Fox:


Judi Fox:

I can hear all the people that, that are saying in their head, I'm not funny.

Judi Fox:

I have nothing funny to say.

Judi Fox:

I don't know what to say.

Judi Fox:

You can add you can data.

Judi Fox:

Matthew Hughes - King Of Video: Absolutely.

Judi Fox:

Like you can do anything, right.

Judi Fox:

It is just, the reason why I talk to people about creating.

Judi Fox:

It is, and the thing I get people to do is create a video,

Judi Fox:

any video, whatever it is, right?

Judi Fox:

It's because the process of creating something opens your brain up.

Judi Fox:

So it's only then do you discover that some people do find you funny.

Judi Fox:

And actually, there is a lot you have to know about that expertise

Judi Fox:

that you've got in your brain, it falls out of you, you know?

Judi Fox:

But it is just an unused muscle, right?

Judi Fox:

Like commenting, it's a skill that you've just gotta learn over time.

Judi Fox:

I'm trying to think of the dates, but I think it was around 20..

Judi Fox:

2017 that I realized, whoa, if I start commenting, if I comment on Gary, if I

Judi Fox:

comment, it was 2017 that I started that and I really honed in on Gary 'cause

Judi Fox:

I just liked it and his posts lended themselves to kind of easy comments that

Judi Fox:

I could kick out really, really fast.

Judi Fox:

And by the time it was around 2019 is when I got to go into Vayner and do that

Judi Fox:

and record that podcast, record content.

Judi Fox:

So it took two years.

Judi Fox:

But that again, that's the power of being consistent on that.

Judi Fox:

He wasn't paying attention to my posts.

Judi Fox:

He was coming to me.

Judi Fox:

No, his team was.

Judi Fox:

Matthew Hughes - King Of Video: his team

Judi Fox:

his team was.

Judi Fox:


Judi Fox:

'cause I got to meet his team.

Judi Fox:

Matthew Hughes - King Of Video: Yeah.

Judi Fox:

And of course, and then of presumably now, you don't have to comment as much.

Judi Fox:

You get comments organically.

Judi Fox:

You've got a team that will help you with some of that stuff as well.

Judi Fox:

So it's not like you have to do it forever, but you do

Judi Fox:

have to do it for a while.

Judi Fox:

And in your case, you know, well, you got to that point in two years, but

Judi Fox:

actually 2018, if you started in 2017, 2018 was when it really took off.

Judi Fox:

So you you had a learning phase almost like the algorithms have a learning phase.

Judi Fox:

And then once you'd learn the phase, during that period, you

Judi Fox:

saw the compounding impact.

Judi Fox:

And I wonder if actually it wasn't like a big post that actually got you the views.

Judi Fox:

It was just the algorithm seeing, hey, this is a big engager.

Judi Fox:

We should give her more focus, give her more reach, you know?

Judi Fox:


Judi Fox:

Okay, how do I say this?

Judi Fox:

I like to think of some things in life, like I'm just playing a board game and

Judi Fox:

I'm just moving my little character.

Judi Fox:

So if I think of my points that I'm gonna get each time I get to roll and I get

Judi Fox:

to do my thing, so I'm like landing on the square of commenting and I'm like,

Judi Fox:

I got a hundred comments, I get 10, $10 or 10 points back, or whatever it is.

Judi Fox:

I get my little tickets.

Judi Fox:

From the machine of ski ball or whatever.

Judi Fox:

I don't know.

Judi Fox:

I'm mixing my game analogies, but I love gamification in my mind of what I'm doing.

Judi Fox:

So yes, I will say though that LinkedIn rewards my account that's specific to

Judi Fox:

LinkedIn, they will reward my account based on how much I'm commenting, period.

Judi Fox:

So for all of you, if you really did wanna get active on LinkedIn, it's not

Judi Fox:

just a funding I'm saying, commenting in general on LinkedIn gets your

Judi Fox:

content more points to be visible.

Judi Fox:

I think of it as like a point system because it's easy for me to go.

Judi Fox:

I got lots of points on my game board today.

Judi Fox:

Matthew Hughes - King Of Video: Yeah.

Judi Fox:

And, and it is absolutely every platform - YouTube, Facebook, Instagram.

Judi Fox:

You talked about TikTok being the same.

Judi Fox:

You know, like you'll notice the viral videos are the ones with

Judi Fox:

the most comments, the most likes.

Judi Fox:

It is just true, and it doesn't matter.

Judi Fox:

Austin Armstrong and another one of the guests, he talks about it doesn't matter

Judi Fox:

whether it's good or bad engagement.

Judi Fox:

Like if someone hates the post or is pointing out a spelling mistake

Judi Fox:

that you've got, like, it's still engagement, so it is just gonna..

Judi Fox:

Same thing on LinkedIn.

Judi Fox:

I love that says that but when you do something on LinkedIn, you

Judi Fox:

need to make it a clear statement so people can agree and disagree.

Judi Fox:

If you have a wishy-washy post with 10 million caveats and trying to cover

Judi Fox:

everyone's perspective, nobody is like, okay, that covered everything

Judi Fox:

I could have said in the comments.

Judi Fox:

You kind of have to make it a bit of a strong statement.

Judi Fox:

Matthew Hughes - King Of Video: Yeah.

Judi Fox:

and it's like you said about, it's great to have a disagreement, right?

Judi Fox:

Because it is just like, how boring would be if, yeah.

Judi Fox:

How boring would it be if we didn't find different ways of view?

Judi Fox:

Like neither of us can be right?

Judi Fox:

And neither of us can be wrong.

Judi Fox:

Like it's just our opinions, but

Judi Fox:

If we rewind and we go back to that moment, I literally said consistent

Judi Fox:

content is not like I said something strong 'cause I wanted to get a reaction.

Judi Fox:

'cause I know that's how we operate.

Judi Fox:

It's not that I am slow obnoxiously married to that, that I couldn't I agree.

Judi Fox:

Matthew Hughes - King Of Video: Yeah.

Judi Fox:


Judi Fox:

There's a way to receive the response to it as well.

Judi Fox:

And I think that's the point where people go wrong is 'cause they try to

Judi Fox:

prove people wrong in their response.

Judi Fox:

And in fact, actually just being okay with somebody saying, oh, I don't

Judi Fox:

agree with that and this is why.

Judi Fox:

And you can just say, okay, cool.

Judi Fox:

Well thanks so

Judi Fox:

much for commenting, or whatever, you know.

Judi Fox:

So I did make a quote wall when I started content online.

Judi Fox:

I made a wall of quotes to keep and I didn't know I was doing.

Judi Fox:

Now I can look in hindsight and go, that wall quote kept me sane

Judi Fox:

and one of the quotes on that wall is you do not have to attend every

Judi Fox:

argument that you're invited to.

Judi Fox:

Matthew Hughes - King Of Video: Yeah.

Judi Fox:

I love that quote 'cause every day I look and I'm like, if you're

Judi Fox:

a content creator, you're gonna be technically invited to a lot of arguments.

Judi Fox:

Matthew Hughes - King Of Video: Yeah.

Judi Fox:


Judi Fox:

You are opening..

Judi Fox:

You're invited to arguments.

Judi Fox:

don't have to join them all.

Judi Fox:

Matthew Hughes - King Of Video: Totally, totally, totally agree.

Judi Fox:

And I think it's a good point to make completely.

Judi Fox:

Look, we could talk forever.

Judi Fox:


Judi Fox:

Yes, we.

Judi Fox:


Judi Fox:

Matthew Hughes - King Of Video: wanna take all of your time.

Judi Fox:

Thank you so much.

Judi Fox:

Oh, the one thing I wanted you to tell me is about, just the last thing just

Judi Fox:

to finish on the consistency thing, is we talked just off air about the fact

Judi Fox:

that I messaged you two years after I originally messaged you about the podcast

Judi Fox:

and you said, and I felt really bad 'cause I sent the message and I said,

Judi Fox:

will you still be a guest on my podcast?

Judi Fox:

You said yes.

Judi Fox:

And I said, it's been a year since I messaged you.

Judi Fox:

And then I looked, and it had been two years, so I was like, so sorry, it's

Judi Fox:

been two years and then I just laughed.

Judi Fox:

And you said something about what permission it had given you for your

Judi Fox:

own podcast, so I just want you to talk about that a little bit because

Judi Fox:

often when we do stuff and we, like I'm really a big believer in just trying

Judi Fox:

stuff out and sometimes it's crap and it doesn't work and you can just

Judi Fox:

move on like nobody's coming to go.

Judi Fox:

The consistency piece are not gonna come in and say, oh my God, you didn't do

Judi Fox:

the thing you said you were gonna do.

Judi Fox:

Like, just give it a go.

Judi Fox:

But in this case, I didn't give it a go at all.

Judi Fox:

So talk about that for us for a second.

Judi Fox:


Judi Fox:

No, I, I, you, you've made my inspiration quote wall that I literally have, which is

Judi Fox:

this idea that there's this overwhelming feeling that connects us to moments in

Judi Fox:

our life that we didn't follow through, we didn't respond, we didn't, we messed up.

Judi Fox:

Like there's this feeling that I messed up, like I didn't do the thing

Judi Fox:

I said I was gonna, I don't know.

Judi Fox:

Whatever it is, we've all experienced it.

Judi Fox:

And if you're online, you're being asked to connect and talk and network probably

Judi Fox:

to an unsustainable amount of people.

Judi Fox:

Matthew Hughes - King Of Video: Yeah, totally.

Judi Fox:

It's a mind blowing amount of people sometimes that

Judi Fox:

you can get into conversation with.

Judi Fox:

No matter what your audience is, there's so much activity online that

Judi Fox:

there's no way you can follow up and be perfect everywhere online,

Judi Fox:

but I still feel like we want to.

Judi Fox:

And so this feeling is released when I recognised my own response to getting that

Judi Fox:

message from you, which was just pure joy.

Judi Fox:

Like joy.

Judi Fox:

And I was like, wait, I don't care that it was two years.

Judi Fox:

There's no like angst, there's no, I'm actually just happy that

Judi Fox:

I'm on his radar that he asked me again when it was time and that you

Judi Fox:

were very just practical about it.

Judi Fox:

Like it's just a fact, like whatever.

Judi Fox:

It is not something to be shamed about, living in shame and carrying

Judi Fox:

that shame and which then doesn't allow you to move forward to create

Judi Fox:

the next thing you might actually create, which is now this recording.

Judi Fox:

So it releases me when I looked at that, I was like, wow.

Judi Fox:

I should just follow up with somebody that I, maybe I left them hanging

Judi Fox:

because I've left plenty of, I just have.

Judi Fox:

Matthew Hughes - King Of Video: There's many people that want you to follow up.

Judi Fox:

They're not sitting there waiting for you to potentially, but like, just the

Judi Fox:

fact that you are going to follow up, it's a good way to kind of close the

Judi Fox:

shame, if there is shame in yourself.

Judi Fox:

You know, like, and when I looked at it, I was like, you know, my list had

Judi Fox:

changed over the two years, of course, but when I went to all the people I'd

Judi Fox:

asked, 'cause I'd asked about 20 people.

Judi Fox:

I was like, a lot has changed for those people.

Judi Fox:

Maybe they won't wanna do it anymore.

Judi Fox:

Maybe they're too big or whatever.

Judi Fox:

But I just thought, I'll just go for it.

Judi Fox:

The worst thing that someone says is no, and then you've not lost anything.

Judi Fox:

'cause they, it was a no before you know, an unknown answer is a no before anyway,

Judi Fox:

so yeah, I just thought that was important to talk about, especially because we all

Judi Fox:

have the best intentions when it comes to consistency and creating content.

Judi Fox:

Like if you fall off the wagon, just get back on even if it's two years later.

Judi Fox:


Judi Fox:

Last thing I'll ask you just before we go, of course, how can people reach you?

Judi Fox:

Tell us a little bit about any products or anything that you wanna

Judi Fox:

talk about that you've got to offer.

Judi Fox:


Judi Fox:

You can go to J-U-D-I, that is the judifox.com or just

Judi Fox:

go to LinkedIn, Judi Fox.

Judi Fox:

I'm always grateful for a follow on #FoxRocks on LinkedIn.

Judi Fox:

I think it's fun have a hashtag on that platform, and you will be in an elite

Judi Fox:

a group of people because there's about 1000, I'm trying to think how many

Judi Fox:

followers on that hashtag, but you'll be part of the early 1000 true fan vibe.

Judi Fox:

I will say will mail out Fox like little, oh my gosh, I mail these out

Judi Fox:

to people based on literally being fans of following my hashtag Fox Rocks.

Judi Fox:

When it comes to my business, I will say, I am headed in the direction

Judi Fox:

of putting out some videos that people can level up on LinkedIn.

Judi Fox:

The number one thing I'm focused on that I'm getting a lot of people

Judi Fox:

connected to is earning them a top voice badge now on LinkedIn that has

Judi Fox:

been opened up beyond just the top few.

Judi Fox:

It's being rolled out and now I'm a Top Voice, so I am gonna release that

Judi Fox:

'cause I was working with Doc Rock with Ecamm and he got a top voice

Judi Fox:

as a content creator with my advice.

Judi Fox:

Matthew Hughes - King Of Video: Excellent.

Judi Fox:


Judi Fox:

We'll stick the links.

Judi Fox:

If you send me the links to those things, I'll stick them in the

Judi Fox:

show notes afterwards as well.

Judi Fox:

Thanks so much for your time.

Judi Fox:

It's absolute pleasure, after all this time to see you again

Judi Fox:

and for you to be on the podcast.

Judi Fox:

I loved it.

Judi Fox:

Matthew Hughes - King Of Video: So I really appreciate it.

Judi Fox:

Thank having me.

Judi Fox:


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About the Podcast

YouTube Success - YouTube for Business & YouTube Growth, Video Marketing
How to Launch and Grow a YouTube Channel
YouTube Success: Unleash Your Inner Creator! 🎥✨

Ever dreamt of riding the YouTube wave to stardom? Or perhaps just keen to boost your brand and master the art of viral content? Dive into "YouTube Success" - your ultimate backstage pass to the world of YouTube stardom! 🌟 From decoding algorithms to crafting click-worthy thumbnails, we’re pulling back the curtain on every tip, trick, and trade secret.

But wait, there's more! 🎤 Every episode brings you face-to-face with the platform’s movers and shakers - successful YouTubers, content gurus, and savvy entrepreneurs, all dishing out their success stories, failures, and that one thing they wish they knew before hitting ‘publish’.

So, whether you're a budding YouTuber with a brand new channel or an entrepreneur wanting to skyrocket your digital presence, strap in for a fun and enlightening ride. Because the road to YouTube success just got a whole lot clearer (and way more exciting)! 🚀

Hit subscribe and become the creator you were destined to be. Your journey to YouTube stardom starts here! 🎬🔥 #YouTubeSuccessPodcast

About your host

Profile picture for Matthew Hughes

Matthew Hughes

Matthew Hughes is the King of Video.

In 2013 he started his video company that he ran for 7 years creating video and travelling the world, with clients from one man bands through to billion dollar companies.

Fast forward to 2019 and he created the King of Video brand to help small business owners confidently, create, consistent video content that connects with their audience.

In 2021 Matt turned his focus to YouTube and has the goal of getting 1000 small businesses to 1000 subscribers using YouTube as the primary platform to grow their business and make money by strategically creating video content.